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Venus, our planet of love, attachment, aesthetics and assets, is going retrograde on March 1st.

The first part (and the bulk) of the retrograde will go down, or back, as it were, in the cardinal hell fires of Aries, where Venus is a hot-tempered, desire-on-fire, hot-pants-wearing, war-cry-bellowing individualist.

Venus will then slip into the mystical, micro-dosing, emo flotsam of Pisces on March 27 where it will remain until stationing direct on April 12.

An astrological PSA: Planets do not ever move backward in space; they merely slow their proverbial rolls, a deceleration that looks like a reversal from our vantage here on the beautiful, broken planet Earth.

Venus retrograde will span two signs this year; Aries and Pisces. Daria –

When planets slow down, we go in, dive deep and lean hard into the prefix re: review, revise, reflect, reassess, reimagine, repent, renew, reconcile, resolve and reorganize so that when the planet moves, forward, so too can we.

Due to its proximity to Earth and its rulership over realms like wealth and worth, Venus is deemed a personal planet, meaning its retrograde cycles affect us mortals more acutely.

Venus governs all aspects of assets and attraction and informs not just our romantic relationships but our relationship to the material realm: how we dress and doom-spend, rake up dollars, decorate our homes and the places, people and luxury items that make us feel deified.

Just as Mercury retrograde disrupts communication to teach us how we can better relate to the world around us, so too does Venus retrograde call us to question our relationship with pleasure and resources and help us firm up or take our leave of any romantic entanglements.

Venus, our planet of love, attachment, aesthetics, and assets, is going retrograde on March 1st. WithanTor –

Neda, an in-house astrologer at the dating app Flirtini and founder of Starcrossed told The Post, “This reversal beckons a period of introspection and reassessment in your relationships, personal values and self-worth. Navigating Venus retrograde involves prioritizing self-care, exercising financial caution and maintaining open, honest communication with loved ones.

If you embrace this period of reflection, you will emerge with a clearer understanding of your TRUE desires in your relationships.Venus retrograde is a powerful time for renewed personal growth and fulfillment once the planet of love resumes direct motion.”

Because the first portion of this retrograde is happening in Aries, the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will feel the trying and transformative effects most intensely. 

Read for your sun and rising sign!

Viktoriia –

For Aries, Venus retrograde is lighting up their first house of the self.

Neda expounds, ” This prompts a critical reassessment of self-image and personal identity, urging you to align your outer actions with your inner desires. Relationships from the past may reemerge, challenging you to resolve past emotions and finally learn the lesson. You must resist impulsive decisions about appearances or new relationships and focus instead on your deeper self-understanding.”

Translation? Don’t get bangs or a boyfriend.

Viktoriia –

For Cancers, this retrograde will be retrograding in their tenth house of profession, legacy and public perception.

Neda shares, “It’s an opportune time to reassess your professional relationships and realign them with long-term goals. Reflect on how your career impacts your self-worth. Is your professional path aligning with your true self and your values? Only use this time to reflect; do not make any major career decisions or public statements until the retrograde concludes.”

Libra gets a one-two punch with this retrograde as Venus rules the sign, and the backspin is affecting their 7th house of partnerships, commitments and contracts.

“This period will prompt you to reflect deeply on the balance and fulfillment within your relationships. You may find old flames or friendships rekindling, offering closure or new perspectives. Listen carefully- Libras must avoid major commitments or relationship changes until the retrograde passes. Focus instead on achieving mutual understanding and respect.”

Consider, but don’t commit Libras!

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For Capricorn folk, the first half of Venus retrograde highlights their tender, umbilical fourth house of roots, nourishment, nostalgia and activating ancestry.

Neda notes, “It’s a period for reflecting on family relationships and possibly resetting boundaries or healing old wounds. Emotional well-being should be your priority, with an emphasis on nurturing. Use this time to transform your home and make it the most peaceful haven it can be!”

Remember, sea goats; it’s never too late to have a happy childhood or nurse from the fount of fortification!

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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