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Cue the punishing perfection, competitive d–k swinging, fine tailoring, earned indulgence and unparalleled grind — Capricorn season is upon us.

Regardless of whether or not you were born under the stars of the sea goat, we are all under the influence of this sign as we transition into 2025.

Applied astrology expert Tiffany Leonardo tells The Post, “Capricorn is a cardinal sign known for its natural ability to initiate and lead, and this aligns perfectly with the energy of the New Year. Capricorn is also an Earth Sign, making them practical, strategic, and responsible. With all of these strong leadership qualities, you can see why the New Year is an ideal time to set your resolutions and goals.”

Regardless of whether or not you were born under the stars of the sea goat, we all feel the energy of this sign as we transition into the new year. Wirestock –

While Capricorn is an earth sign, it is closely connected to the water element, the seat or sea of intuition.

As Leonardo explains, many people only see half of what a Cap has to offer or half of the animal totem that represents it. “Yes, Capricorn is well-known as the goat, but that’s only the front half. On the back end, Capricorn has a mermaid tail, connecting it to intuition, emotions, feelings, and discernment.”

She notes that this hybrid energy of earth and water, action and intuition, planning, and feeling, can serve us all this season.

“Having the plan and strategy will help you check many things off the list, but does it feel fulfilling? Does it feel like you’re making an impact and living in alignment with your life’s purpose? Think of Earth in the desert — it’s dry and brittle. It takes on new life and can sustain life when water is present. This is where intuition helps us discern between ‘checking life’s boxes’ and taking aligned action.”

Leonardo notes that if you feel disconnected from your intuition, Capricorn season is the prime time to realign. Anastasiia –

Intuition comes from the Latin intuitionem, meaning to look at or watch over.

In-kind intuition is our inner knowing, an ability to tune in, feel beyond what can be seen, and trust the forces of the universe as they provide a kind of divine guidance.

Leonardo notes that if you feel disconnected from your intuition, Capricorn season is the prime time to realign. She details the four primary modalities of clairvoyance, known as the Claires (great indie rock band name).

While Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, it shares a close connection with the water element, the seat, or sea, of intuition. Suphakorn –
  • Clairsentience is the most common of the claires. These messages often come through as a gut feeling or instinct.
  • Clairaudient messages are short, calm, and straightforward messages. Sometimes, the message will be only one word or number.
  • Clairvoyant messages arrive as a visual and usually come as a metaphor or dream.
  • Claircognizance is when your mind gets an immediate download from your intuition within just a few seconds.

Leonardo stresses that slowing down is an essential part of noticing the prominent pathways of your intuition.

“During Capricorn season, you can tap into your sovereign leadership, with added support from the universe to strengthen your intuition. Whether lighting a candle to set an intention, asking your spirit team for guidance on which path to take in 2025, or requesting a sign, the veil between the earthly world and the cosmos is lifted, and your guides are here to help.”

Horns up, fins down, rooted in the earth, guided by the tides, here’s to all that will be.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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