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The days are dimming, Yule is nigh, and experts say this weekend is the perfect time to pop the question.

Wedding expert Chris Bajda from Groomsday tells The Post, “This time of year has always been special for couples. But there’s one date that stands out as particularly meaningful for those planning to propose.”

Our man is speaking of the winter solstice. Arriving on Saturday, December 21, the solstice offers a heady mix of ancient tradition, potent poetry, and the fresh-to-death energy of possibility.

The winter solstice marks the rebirth of the sun. irissca –

Badja notes that the symmetry of December 21 — or 12.21 — is a beautiful reflection of two lovers looking to lock it down by getting legally wed.

During the winter solstice, the Earth’s tilt is furthest away from the sun, resulting in the least amount of daylight and the sun appearing at its lowest position in the sky. Sun low, luck high, shoot your shot.

Fun fact: The word solstice means “the Sun stands still,” as that is what seems to occur from our vantage on Earth. Pro-tip for a proposal — consider leading with “As the sun stands still, I ask you to be my wife/husband//simp/partner for the rest of my days.”

People welcome the winter solstice at Stonehenge. REUTERS

In a double boon to romantic hopefuls, the winter solstice marks the pinnacle of darkness; from here on out, we’re marching into the bright light and fertile fields of spring, my babies.

Badja shared, “It’s the shortest day and longest night of the year, but also the turning point where days begin to grow longer again. Traditionally, it’s seen as a powerful time of transformation — the perfect symbolic backdrop for couples starting their engagement journey.”

Human beings have been observing the winter solstice since time immemorial, celebrating it with all manner of revelry, bonfires, blood sacrifice, and fevered feasting.

The time of apex darkness has encouraged humanity to gather amongst loved ones and celebrate the rebirth of, and return to, the light.

When couples get down on one knee on this day of days, they have the opportunity to add their own story to the fabric of history.

Badja shared, “When you choose this date to propose, you’re weaving your love story into an ancient tradition of marking new chapters as the year turns toward light. Couples who choose the winter solstice often find it becomes a meaningful part of their story. Each year, as the shortest day arrives, they have a beautiful reminder of when their journey together as a married couple began.”

Staring out short and coming out on top, we love to see it.

Add to the mix that the winter solstice kicks off the start of Capricorn season. As an earth sign ruled by Saturn, planet of the long game, there is perhaps no better time to make a commitment built to last on solid ground.

And for lazy lovers, Badja says the loaded energy of the solstice does most of the heavy romantic lifting.

The solstice energy does most of the heavy romantic lifting. Наталья Фомина –

“The best thing about a winter solstice proposal is how the season does half the work for you,” Bajda revealed. “You’ve got this backdrop of early evening darkness that’s perfect for fairy lights and candles. Maybe you plan it for that gorgeous golden hour just as the sun sets on the shortest day, or wait until the stars come out for a midnight moment under the winter sky.”

Bonus: you’ll always remember your anniversary as the day the sun is reborn in the sky baby, “This date turns into a personal tradition, giving them a unique way to celebrate their commitment and creating a lasting memory they can look forward to year after year.”

Good luck out there. May the answer be yes, and your diamonds be bloodless.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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