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Venus retrograde, also known as the season of the ex, is upon us.

Venus is our planet of wealth and worth, attraction and aesthetics influencing how we value ourselves and relate to others.

Venus’s retrograde is a biblical 40-day affair that lasts through April 12, 2025.

Exes love to exhume themselves during this retrograde, and often, this reappearance has more to do with challenging us to create new patterns rather than falling into familiar cycles of romantic rot.

Relationship Expert, Angelika Koch from Taimi, a LGBTQIA+ dating app, tells The Post that when entertaining an old flame, you should remember the burns of the past lest you get high on the fumes of a hopeful future.

Venus is named for the goddess of love and beauty. Irina Korsakova –

“If they were a great partner and you want to give them another chance, then you should let them in and see if you can work on clearing the air and working through the struggles you encountered in the relationship. This would be an excellent time to do so. If the ex was toxic, then see this as the universe testing you and consider letting them go.” 

On the uptick, this transit allows us to boldly revise our concept of what love looks like and what we are capable of attracting and resisting.

Koch shares, “The mindset you embrace now influences what you attract in your dating life. Focusing on past heartbreak can keep you stuck, but opening yourself to new experiences creates space for more fulfilling connections.”

In honor of Venus retrograde, Koch offers four rituals for drawing in the life blood of the love you deserve venimo –

In the spirit of spring and in honor of Venus retrograde, Koch offers 4 rituals for drawing in the life blood of the love you deserve.

“Humans are magnets to whatever energy we align with. Venus Retrograde is an excellent time for self-love and healing rituals, as well as shadow work or protection for current love relationships.

It’s important to avoid rituals that are binding, new love or beauty because they are more likely to backfire due to the energies around them.”

A warning: Do not attempt these rituals during the eclipses on March 13-14 and March 29. These fated, shadow servants of chaos herald a time to submit to change, not attempt to shape or shift it.

Banish/clear stagnant love energy

If you’re particularly keen on the purge, you can clear your digital space of photos, videos and contacts that you wish to cut ties with. svetazi –

Because Venus’s retrograde tends to dredge up the past, it’s a fine time to face limiting beliefs, disempowering patterns and hindering memories and release them so that the good and the new can come through.

Koch shares, “Try a cord-cutting ritual: visualize cutting energetic cords with past lovers who no longer serve your highest good and imagine them dissolving into golden light. Affirm: “I release all past relationships with love and gratitude. I am now open to new, healthy love.”

If you’re particularly keen on the purge, Koch says you can clear your digital space of photos, videos and contacts that you wish to cut ties with.

Block and delete, block and delete.

Trust me folks, it feels as good as popping balloons, screaming into a pillow, pulling weeds and breaking plates.

Create a vision board for the kind of love you want

Koch recommends creating a physical extension of the feeling you want to draw in. STGZ. –

Now that you’ve energetically exiled your exes, it’s time to focus on the re prefix of this retrograde and reflect on what you truly want from the love realm.

Concentrate on how you want love to feel for you.

Koch recommends creating a physical extension of that very feeling.

“Write it down. Gather materials like a board, images and affirmations or use a digital tool. Choose visuals that represent the love and how you see it happen. Arrange them, add a central affirmation and light a candle while visualizing love. Spend a few moments with your board daily, feel gratitude and align your energy with love.”

Write a love letter to the universe

Bonus points if you write your love letter using a sweet mix of spit, ink, blood and sugar nitiroj –

Alright lovers, dream big, write in all caps, channeling all the enthusiasm you once had for a Christmas list as Koch assures the time is nigh to write out a recipe for the kind of partner you want.

“Write a love letter to the universe detailing everything you want in a partner and relationship. Be specific and dream big. Seal the letter in an envelope or box, then place it somewhere safe, like under your pillow or in a sacred space. Over the next few days, revisit the letter to help manifest love into your life.”

Bonus points if you write the letter using a sweet mix of spit, ink, blood, powdered finger nails and sugar.

Mirror affirmation ritual

Speaking loving affirmations to yourself paves the way for others to recognize the love you hold and the love you deserve. fantom_rd –

Because all love begins with self-love, now is the hour for positive affirmations and shameless self-worship.

Koch shared, “Sit in front of a mirror, light a candle if you wish and speak loving affirmations to yourself, like “I am worthy of love,” “I attract healthy and supportive relationships,” and “Love flows effortlessly to me.”

Look deeply into your own eyes as you repeat these affirmations, allowing the energy of self-love to fill you.

“Do this every evening for a week to strengthen your connection to love. To enhance the ritual, write a love note affirmation with red lipstick on the mirror and leave it there for the week.”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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