Does being born on Sunday make you lucky? Does a Tuesday birthday make you a pain in the a–?
Professor Slippery AKA @papiiitino has taken to TikTok to share his insights on the relationship between the day of the week you were born and your personality.
If your mother was in a fugue state triggered by epidural daze and existential dread and can’t remember the day of the week you were born, you can use the calendar app on your phone.
Go to the year in the upper left-hand corner and scroll back until you hit your birth year, select the month and then select your birthday.
Sunday, as the name implies, belongs to that scene stealing molten death star, the luminary that also rules the zodiac sign of Leo and illuminates the play forward, heart centric core of our inner child.
The sun is about self-expression and growth of the literal and metaphorical variety and according to Slippery, that shine translates to those born on the Sabbath.
“People born on Sundays are said to be full of fortune. They also possess traits such as creativity, boldness, and confidence and have natural leadership skills.”
He notes that Sunday babies are charismatic and, like the ceaselessly rising sun, “unwaveringly cheerful.”
Monday is the moon’s day, and in astrology, the moon rules the cardinal waters of Cancer and is associated with root systems, ancestry and what we need to feel safe and nourished.
The moon is moodiest of luminaries, representing intuition and emotion, the divine feminine and that which must be felt, not seen.
According to Slippery this etheral, compassionate, familial influence can be felt in those who were brought to life on the first day of the work week.
“People born on Monday are said to be very kind in nature and have a deep loyalty to family. Women born on this day are also said to possess special maternal qualities. However, Monday borns are very sensitive people and the smallest things tick them off.”
Loyal, sensitive and easily irritated? Checks out.
Tuesday is the domain of warmongering, fight-for-your-rights planet Mars.
This get-your-d—k-up energy naturally lends itself to a guns blazing, coming-in-hot personality type. In the zodiac wheel Mars is the modern ruler of Aries and the ancient ruler of Scorpio.
Mars is about getting it done, getting it on and getting ahead.
True to this Martian influence and according to Slippery, “People born on Tuesday possess a fiery and combative spirit. They are brave but are also very impatient. Tuesday borns rarely back down and do not take no for an answer.”
Driven by the fire and gusto of mars these folks are infuriatingly headstong yet their dogged determination often lends them the desire and drive to be wildly successful.
Easy? No. Accomplished? Probably.
Wednesday is associated with golden heeled, silver tongued Mercury. Named for the emissary of thegods, Mercury is the planetary ruler of both Gemini and Virgo.
Etymologically, Wednesday translates to “Wodan or Odin’s Day” in honor of the all-seeing Norse god of magic, poetry, and guardianship of the dead. Like Mercury, Odin is fast moving and far reaching, equal parts benevolent and trouble making, poetic and s–t talking.
This bold baddy, expressive energy translates to those born mid-week.
Slippery maintains, “People born on Wednesdays are highly communicative and expressive with their feelings, meaning they are most likely to make the first move in a relationship.”
Yet, he cautions that while this ilk might be first to make the move, they’re guilty of a wandering eye and ever looking out for a better deal.
“Wednesday-borns tend to explore multiple options before settling on the best one. They are also very versatile but can be impulsive sometimes.”
Thursday belongs to luck-doling, deep pockets and good living gas giant Jupiter.
In astrology, Jupiter is the modern ruler of Sagittarius and the ancient ruler of Pisces.
Jupiter is synonymous with expansion and fortunes, ideals and ideas. Jupiter is also the planet of optimism and gregariousness, a good timing buoyancy that translates to those born on Thursday.
According to Slippery, “People born on Thursday possess special traits like hopefulness.They are very optimistic, sociable people, and ooze charisma and power. They are also very likable and regularly find themselves in leadership positions.”
Friday, the last gasp of the work week and the patron saint of happy hours, art openings, and cutting out of the office early belongs to Venus, the planet of love, beauty, attraction, aesthetics, and ambient light.
Due to the infulnce of luxurious, indulgent,’ugly things make give me anxiety’ Venus, and according to Slippery, “People born on Friday are very artistic and have a strong interest in aesthetics. They are also said to be the most romantic people of all the seven days.”
The underbelly of Venus is a superficial, self-serving streak that puts pleasure at the top of the pyramid and favors flavors over sustenance.
Apropos of this, Friday borns, “are said to have more narcissistic tendencies than any other day. They also move in the direction of whatever is eye catching and they live lives that are rooted in luxury and hedonism.”
Saturday is ruled by planet Saturn, the patron of dad jeans and discipline. Known as the great teacher, Saturn rules Capricorn and the tenth house of tradition and legacy.
Saturn is diligent but not decidedly not easy or fancy free. A strategic stoicim that is reflected in the personalities of Saturday-borns.
“People born on Saturday possess modesty, studiousness, wisdom and practicality. They are also very hard working and love expanding their knowledge, but they are very strict in nature,” explained Slippery.
More about capital games than fun and games, Saturday born folk tend to plan for the future rather than idle away the present.
Astrology 101: Your guide to the star
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.
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